When creating a .csv file in Qvera, the message has double quote text delimiters by default. If you are seeding your message from a SQL query for example, the values will be surrounded by double qotes. “PatientID”,”PatientName”,”DOB”,”Etc”,”Etc” You can reformat the message by saving the message to a temporary variable, and reformatting it using createCSVMessage […]
Author: tygh
MU Activity Log
ADD_MUACTIVITY_LOG() is another undocumented symbol that can come in handy. At Blackbird, we use this when we want to record that a handout has been printed. It would be natural to store it in an OBS, but because the CQR reporting system looks in the activity log to see whether or not to count these events, […]
Blackbird Custom HTML Form Library
CPS 12.2 / EMR 9.10 and Greater Utilities Immunization Management Medication Administration Older Versions of CPS/EMR Utilities Immunization Management Medication Administration
Getting a List of All Users
The MEL function to get lists of users takes, as a parameter, a list of locations of care. However, what if you are writing code where you want all the users and don’t know what locations are in the system where the code will be running? The answer is that you can get the root […]
Locations of Care
An interesting problem came up this week. We encountered a situation where the we needed a document’s location abbreviation instead of the full name. Centricity supports several expressions that retrieve the locations, but not all methods include the abbreviation: DOCUMENT.LOCOFCARENAME DOCUMENT.LOCOFCARE (undocumented) PATIENT.HOMELOCATIONNAME PATIENT.HOMELOCATIONABBREVNAME USER.CURLOCATIONNAME USER.CURLOCATIONABBREVNAME USER.HOMELOCATIONNAME To get the abbreviation for the document’s location, […]
Upgrading to CPS to 12.2 or EMR 9.10
When upgrading your Centricity platform, the Blackbird Framework will require a couple of changes. For those of you who invoke the framework with the standard Blackbird-provided form or quicktext macros, the update will be very easy. First, you will need to install an updated clinical kit in your Centricity Environment. It is located here: https://blackbirdsolutions.com/?p=650 Second: If you […]
The Blackbird Content Kit
Click on the appropriate link to download. BBSKit for CPS 12.2 or greater BBSKit for EMR 9.10 or greater BBSKit for older versions of CPS and EMR
HTML | MEL dll registration
Occasionally, installing CPS or EMR will result in a key ActiveX control not being correctly registered on the workstation. This generally manifests itself with the Blackbird Framework appearing to have no content in the HTML window. Usually, this can be fixed with a one-time command line procedure. Recipe to register DLL for Single User Training: […]
Converting between dates and IDs in CPS/EMR
Occasionally, you need to retrieve date fields that don’t look like dates. The most common example in CPS is the clinicaldate field in the document table. There are formulae for converting between these IDs and their corresponding dates. Here is an example query that shows how to retrieve the clinicaldate as a real date as […]
In case you haven’t noticed, the CPS and EMR demo systems have pretty easy default passwords. Oddly, if an account gets locked or the password expires, there isn’t an easy way to get a password less than 6 characters into the user management system. You don’t have to be able to decode the passwords in […]